Pick-Your-Own Fruit

The Fall 2024 PYO Season Has Concluded

See you next year!

Click here for directions.

Questions? Call us at 1(802) 897-5043 for Douglas, we frequently update the voicemail, if no one is there, call us at Champlain at 1(802) 897-2777 EXT. 303 during operating hours.

In the early summer and in the fall, we open our orchard for a delightful pick-your-own experience. We grow both sweet & tart cherries, strawberries, fall raspberries, blueberries, pumpkins, gourds, sunflowers, and, of course, apples. Please check back on this page regularly to see what’s currently available for picking.

What We Grow:

Fall Red Raspberries Ecologically-grown$4/Pint

Fall Red Raspberries



Sweet CherriesEcologically-grownBing, Black-Gold, Emperor Francis,  Gold,  Hedelfingen, Kristin, Viscount$4/Pint

Sweet Cherries


Bing, Black-Gold, Emperor Francis, Gold, Hedelfingen, Kristin, Viscount


ApplesEcologically-Certified $5/half-peck (5 lbs or $1/lb))$8/peck, (10 lbs or $0.80/lb)$15/half-bushel (20 lbs or $0.75/lb)$25/bushel (40 lbs or $0.63/lb)



$10/half-peck (5 lbs)

$20/peck, (10 lbs)

$35/half-bushel (20 lbs)

$60/bushel (40 lbs)

Tart CherriesEcologically-Certified Montmorency$4/Pint

Tart Cherries




Summer StrawberriesFinished for 2021 Season$4.25/pound

Summer Strawberries



PumpkinsCinderella, Sugar Pie, & Carving$5 (all sizes, all types)..$5/10 Gourds


Cinderella, Sugar Pie, & Carving